Let Your Light Speak: Sacred Hawaiian Bodywork
Let Your Light Speak: Sacred Hawaiian Bodywork
Ancient Lomi Lomi Sacred Hawaiian Bodywork

Come Home to Yourself

This work is designed to support you in connecting more fully and deeply with your own embodied wisdom, essential wholeness and unique purpose. 

This is a journey towards fully owning your whole life.

The ancient Hawaiians created rituals and practices to offer guidance and support in this process: Ancient Lomi Lomi was one such offering.

Many of us rarely (if ever) received this kind of support in our lives—especially not in such a visceral and embodied way—so it may initially feel unfamiliar or even undeserved. 

But for those who allow themselves to receive this gift of sacred touch and presence, what they most often discover is something both profoundly nourishing and difficult to fully describe.

If you choose to explore this mystery for yourself, just know that what you’ll experience during and after a session can’t be fully known or predicted ahead of time, as it is a unique expression of whatever is most alive within you and asking to be felt. 

This is why I do not promise any particular results (which is arguably terrible marketing).

I don’t know what will come up for you, only that it will serve to guide you home to yourself, which is the foundation of a life rich in meaning and purpose and where we have the most to offer the world around us.

My work is not to fix or change you but to support you in this journey home through sacred touch in a space of profound safety and care.


Experience a Session:

Ancient Lomi Lomi: ‘Ke Ala Hoku’ (Pathway to the Stars)*

The fullest opening into this work that I offer.

In its original form, this work would have been offered as a once-in-a-lifetime ritual involving multiple Kahuna working on you many hours a day for up to ten days. Such an intensive ritual—no matter how transformational—is simply not feasible for most people to experience anymore and so this lineage of Ancient Lomi Lomi was created to be make it more accessible without sacrificing its potency.

  • 2.5 hours: $225

  • 4 hours: $350

*Includes music intuitively selected just for you, based on your unique ancestry.

Ancient Lomi Lomi: Intro Session

A wonderful opportunity to dip your toes into this work before investing the greater time and energy needed for a full session.

  • 2 hours: $150

Note: all session times include pre- and post-bodywork conversation and preparation


What People Are Saying:

"I have received great bodywork over the years but what Matthew does is unique, astonishing and profoundly helpful. Probably the best work I have ever received, this works on all levels, restoring body and spirit. Do yourself a favour and experience this. It's sensational."

- Mark S.

“To call Ancient Lomi Lomi a massage is an understatement to me. What I experienced with Matthew was more like a journey outside time and space. The sensory input between his touch and the music, provided a container, a safe space, a space where I was free to be myself and yet not alone.

I, too, am someone who had many traumas and carry fearful memories in my body. After that evening, so many of them vanished. I was given an experience of being safe and ecstatically enjoying being in a physical body.

All helping towards trusting life more, resting in the experience of a benevolent universe.

Thank you Matthew, I recommend your work warmly. You are gifted with a beautiful soul and wonderful hands.”

- Sonja A.

"Holy shit. This work was unlike any massage I've ever experienced. It's been four days since my session and I'm still processing what I can only describe as a sacred encounter. I suspect I will be for some time as I'm no longer the same person. Without question, when I'm ready, I'll be back.

Seriously, if you're working through stuff in your life, then give Ancient Lomi Lomi a shot. Let Matthew lead you through a therapeutic encounter in a safe, respectful environment. You will not regret it."

- Sven T.

“My experience with Ancient Lomi Lomi was unlike any other body treatment I have ever experienced.

The [length of the] session gave space for me to embrace the entire experience: how the warmth of the space made me feel safe and comfortable, how the vibrations of the music made me feel alive and present, and how the physical touch allowed me to feel cared for, honoured and appreciated.

The preparation Matthew provided beforehand was extremely helpful…I would recommend this experience to everyone. Your body will thank you.”

- Heather S.

“It felt as if my soul traveled through time with the music that was intuitively chosen for my session. I also felt that this session is not only body work but also energy work as I worked through emotions that came up. This is by far one of the most POWERFUL healing sessions that I have felt!

Thank you Matthew.”

- Harold B.

“My Ancient Lomi Lomi massage was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was all encompassing and embraced all aspects of mind, body, and soul. For me, it was very much a uniting of those things to bring clarity and an inner vision to walk into the future with.

I found it helped me to listen to what was inside of myself without the hushing that happens during busy periods of life.

A tap to my inward self, my own authenticity.”

- Shannon K.

“With the first thunderous crack of music my mind wanted to abort the session before it got started, trying desperately to make my body get up and run.

[But] my body knew that this work was what it was longing for, calming my mind within a minute or two.

And so began the ineffable ceremony that rhythmically danced in, with and through Matthew and me, its cadence fluidly releasing unknown traumas held within my body while past remembrances simultaneously ebbed and flowed.

My body's primordial essence shimmered with delight for hours after the massage had ended.”

- Carol S.

“I felt extremely pampered and taken care of.  But not only that, it was a real ‘experience’… the combination of the music and deep massage took me to some wonderful places…saw beautiful colours, sights and visions! At times even sorted things out in my head, but mostly just went along with this sensual, warm, healing, and restorative adventure!!!”

- Garett T.

“Matthew’s peaceful presence and attentive listening skills put me at ease right away.

Throughout the session, I experienced periods of tension alternating with periods of release and ease. By the time the session was finished, I was in a blissful state of relaxation. My whole body felt like it was in a deep state of rest. My face even looked more relaxed (and dare I say...younger!).

I would highly recommend Matthew to anyone who is interested in experiencing Ancient Lomi Lomi.”

- Colleen R.

“When I first arrived for my Ancient Lomi Lomi massage I wasn’t sure what to expect. I assumed it to be similar to most therapeutic massages that I’ve had before but just longer. However, it ended up being a fascinating experience.

During the massage I was deeply lost in my thoughts, as the movements and motions guided me through what felt like was a transcending experience. I felt like a kid again in a lot of ways, I was mentally revisiting memories I hadn’t thought of in many years. I felt engaged with all past experiences that were emerging during my session.

In short, I was blown away.

It took me a few days just to be able to describe what it was like to others around me. However, I don’t think I’ll be able to ever completely articulate the experience, similar to trying to explain a dream to someone.

I would highly recommend this experience to my peers and encourage them to allow themselves to let go during their session to see what they might encounter in the depths of their relaxed state.”

- David L.

“I only wish I had three more hours. Thank you so much for your work.”

- Kanani D.

“I appreciated the opportunity to experience Ancient Lomi Lomi. It was quite a new experience and so there was some fear. But Matthew’s professionalism and gentle way of communicating helped ease the way. Also, felt like a place of acceptance to whatever arose.

Matthew created a safe space that allowed me to experience an ever-so-subtle but real reconnection between my body and mind in a way that I haven't felt before. This, along with the vibrations of the music, made it feel like inner healing took place. Many thanks for this.”

- Kathleen M.

“The facial massage - not simply of the face but also of the soul...my entire head was immersed in softness and warmth, as if being cradled by angel wings. A spiritual and physical experience of cleansing, culminating in total relaxation and stillness of mind...a blessed sense of peace. Highly recommended!"

- Sharon K.


Book a Session:


Call or text: 204-960-7548

email: hello@letyourlightspeak.com


Meet Your Practitioner


“Matthew’s peaceful presence and attentive listening skills put me at ease right away…I would highly recommend him to anyone.”

- Colleen R.

I’m a mystic at heart, which, to me, is all about learning to trust in the Unknown.

While my introduction to this path was initially through the Christian tradition, followed by evolutionary spirituality and meditation, as time went on I became more curious as to how my body fit into the equation.

It was with this spirit of curiosity that I encountered Ancient Lomi Lomi, for which I am deeply grateful.

And as I see how much it continues to impact both my life and the lives of those who receive it, my passion for sharing this work only grows.

I trained in the lineage of Kahuna Abraham Kawai'i, Aua'ia Maka'i'ole, 'uliama. Kahu Abraham was a master in several different streams of indigenous Hawaiian wisdom and is largely responsible for the recovery and evolution of this work in modern times.

If you feel drawn to explore this sacred work, I would be honoured to be your guide.

With love, Matthew


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Frequently Asked Questions

+ What is the difference between Ancient Lomi Lomi and a regular massage?

The short answer: Profound relaxation. The long answer: While there are certainly superficial differences in the types of movements used, what's most distinct about Ancient Lomi Lomi can really only be felt. Even other forms of lomi lomi that appear similar on the surface offer a very different kind of experience compared to this work.

Many people encounter depths of relaxation in their body that they have never before experienced and it is in this profound relaxation that space is created for us to be reconfigured from the inside out.

+ How should I prepare for an Ancient Lomi Lomi session?

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol and recreational drugs for at least 24 hrs before the session.

  • Avoid eating within two hours of the start of the session.

  • Schedule to have some open-ended time after your session, if at all possible, where you can simply continue to relax without the need to attend to other matters.

+ Is this covered by insurance?

Unfortunately, no.

If you're looking for therapeutic massage, which is covered, there are many highly skilled practitioners available in the city.

However, if you're looking for profound nourishment for your body and soul, you've come to the right place. I've yet to encounter any other kind of bodywork or massage like this and my clients agree.

+ I have a sore [random body part], can you fix it?

Working with specific physical injuries is not a part of this work. While physical healing can certainly happen, often expressed through a reduction of tension and stress held in the body, it is not approached as a goal to be accomplished.

If you would like to address particular physical issues, other therapies are better suited to that task.

+ How many sessions do you recommend?

In its original form, Ancient Lomi Lomi would have been offered as a once-in-a-lifetime sacred initiation for a select few, into either adulthood or spiritual/tribal leadership. The sessions would have also lasted for up to a week with the person being worked on twenty-four hours a day by multiple Kahuna.

In its current form, a one-time approach is not necessary, as we live in a very different context for this work, with sessions being much shorter and open to all who are ready to receive it.

Some people receive a single session while others feel drawn to receive multiple sessions over a longer period of time. Just like any other form of healing or thereapy, there's no 'right' answer that applies to everyone.

There are infinite depths to our being and many layers of unseen emotion and unhealed trauma in many of us so I don't believe there's ever an end to what we can receive through this work of opening to the life within us.

+ Do you offer any payment plans or financial assistance?

Yes, I offer 2 or 3 month payment plans for Sacred Ceremonies and we can also discuss the possibility of a reduced fee for those in financial need.

+ I have some conerns about a non-indigenous person offering a traditionally indigenous sacred practice. Can you speak to this?

This can be a divisive issue for some and so I am simply offering my current understanding.

I recognize that some people hold the belief that non-indigenous people offering indigenous practices is problematic

The question of appropriation is an important one and I certainly do not have all the answers, I only have an answer for myself.

Ancient Lomi Lomi, as offered to me by my teacher, Jody Mountain, who received it through her teacher, Kahu Abraham Kawai'i, extends back to pre-Polynesian Hawaii and beyond and is rooted in a particular culture and lineage that I believe should be honoured.

Kahu Abraham, who is largely responsible for recovering this work in modern times, believed it was for all of humanity, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, gender, etc., and so shared it freely, offering and teaching it to indigenous Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians alike.

As I have now been entrusted by my teacher to share this sacred work, I seek to offer it with as much integrity as possible, honouring it as it has been passed on to me.

In doing so, I offer gratitude to my teacher, my teacher's teacher, and the great lineage of all beings who have refined this work over countless generations.
